These are seconds items and include some imperfections. While we’d love to only sell perfect stock, the reality of the production process (and transportation, packing and whatnot) means that sometimes things aren’t perfect or get a bit roughed-up along the way. We are conscious of the environmental impact of sourcing materials and the production processes, so we don’t want these items to go to waste due to (mostly) minor imperfections.We hope you can love these imperfect items - your bank account certainly will.By purchasing this product you accept the product imperfections as is, and unfortunately we cannot accept returns on these items.
$10 - In this price category, you can expect some issues with the foil printing on the boxes.
Includes 40 blank lined note cards with gold foil borders, single sided. Perfect for bridal and baby showers, engagements, weddings, birthdays and farewells, with gold foil accents on every card. Cards: 108 x 140mm / 4.25 x 5.5", Box: 120 x 153 x 20mm / 4.7 x 6 x 0.78". Premium 350gsm FSC-certified white uncoated cardstock. Packaged in a beautiful keepsake rigid box with gold foil accents and velvet finish. Designed in Australia, printed in China.